Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fat Hell

Dear Dr. Jo: I am in a world of fat hell I have gained and lost 80 lbs at least 5 times. I can lose but can’t keep it off. I am fat again and am drowning!! I don’t eat when I’m hungry; I just stuff like I am trying to hurt myself. I have been up and down all my life from a size 8to24. I am codependent so that makes it worse.

1 comment:

  1. Stuffing yourself when you are not hungry is emotional eating; consoling yourself, trying to fill a void inside to ease the pain. Also, something my doctor told me is that very often when we have hunger pains it's because we are dehydrated and need to drink water. So drink water when you’re hungry instead of raiding the fridge. Have you ever attended Overeaters Anonymous (OA) or Food Addicts Anonymous? We have OA meetings here in the Coachella Valley (listed in the white pages of the phone book). These 12 step meetings will give you tools to help you deal with the reasons why you emotionally eat and you’ll learn how to have a healthy relationship with yourself and food.
