Saturday, January 10, 2009

Crack Cocaine Addiction

Dear Dr. Jo: I have a crack cocaine addiction and have recently relapsed, again. I am currently going to 12 step meetings and counseling. My partner does not use and no longer wants to be with me, and since I have no where else to go I’m kind of stuck here and it hurts having to see him everyday. I know there is a lot of things in my past that I need to deal with but I’m not sure how.

Fat Hell

Dear Dr. Jo: I am in a world of fat hell I have gained and lost 80 lbs at least 5 times. I can lose but can’t keep it off. I am fat again and am drowning!! I don’t eat when I’m hungry; I just stuff like I am trying to hurt myself. I have been up and down all my life from a size 8to24. I am codependent so that makes it worse.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Perfect Enabler

Dear Dr. Jo: My partner went out and had sex with a complete stranger he met in the local library after I told him I was going to leave him for not stopping his abuse of me, alcohol, and cocaine. This (in my perspective) has been an abusive relationship, filled with his taking advantage of my paying bills, (being the perfect enabler). When I stop enabling, the volume gets very loud. We have been separated for a year because of this.

Anger problem

Dear Dr. Jo: I am having trouble controlling my anger, which shows itself through yelling at my kids. I have a 4 and 8 year old that can sometimes push my buttons and cause me to be frustrated. Any suggestions?