Saturday, January 10, 2009

Crack Cocaine Addiction

Dear Dr. Jo: I have a crack cocaine addiction and have recently relapsed, again. I am currently going to 12 step meetings and counseling. My partner does not use and no longer wants to be with me, and since I have no where else to go I’m kind of stuck here and it hurts having to see him everyday. I know there is a lot of things in my past that I need to deal with but I’m not sure how.

1 comment:

  1. Cocaine is hard to quit, but not impossible. Dealing with your past will happen in time, if you are serious about getting help. Right now, do whatever it takes to get out on your own. Often we stay in relationships far too long just because we don’t want to be alone. Sort of like, I'll put up with anything just to have a roof over my head. As long as you are in your current, painful living condition, it may be very difficult to stop doing drugs, and today, that is the most important thing you can do for yourself; get clean and sober. Continue your counseling and keep going to meetings. Maybe someone at the meetings would take you in until you can get on your feet.
